Supporting Families & Connections through COVID-19

There is a pressing need to support the well being of families and youth as we navigate these uncertain times. We recognize the importance of supporting all families, as well the importance of ensuring our efforts to do so are safe and effective. The Connect Attachment Program research team is working hard to adapt materials for use with virtual platforms that will support the delivery of Connect Facilitator Training and the Connect Attachment Program to parents and caregivers. Special considerations will be taken in launching these adaptations to ensure facilitator competence and client safety. We will also be evaluating the adapted programs to monitor and amass data regarding effectiveness.

As we work toward this end, we will update this website about the availability of training and program delivery platform and materials. Until that time, we recommend that certified Connect facilitators working with caregivers who have completed the Connect program provide family-based support, drawing the Connect principles to address urgent concerns.  

For more information, please contact

Connect facilitators located in British Columbia who have questions, and caregivers in British Columbia seeking support, can contact Lesley Nicholas-Beck at


Dr Marlene Moretti was an Invited Keynote Presenter at the 2020 OVC Applied Research & Best Practice Symposium


Recent Research Evaluating Connect for Kinship and Foster Parents Published in Child Welfare