Evidence Connect Works
For more information on this rating by California Evidence Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare, please click here.
With each group that runs parents are asked to fill out evaluation measures before, during, and after Connect so we can see whether the program is effective.
Parents who complete Connect report that they feel more competent and effective in parenting and we see improvements in their mood and decreases in their levels of strain following Connect.
Parents also report improvements in their children’s functioning. We see significant decreases in internalizing problems (e.g., anxiety) and externalizing problems (e.g., conduct disorder). Parents tell us that, although the changes take time, they are well worth the effort!
To find out more about these studies and the evidence behind Connect, visit our Research page.
You can also view parent testimonials from KVC Kansas here.

Join a Connect Group
The Connect Group program has been offered in dozens of communities across BC, including urban, rural, and remote regions of the province. If you are interested in finding out about a Connect Group running in your area, please contact the staff below:
Janet Mainland
Email: janet.mainland@gov.bc.ca
To join a Connect Group in other provinces,
Click Here