Current and Past Funding
Current Funding
2022 - 2026
Promoting Resilience and Wellbeing in Teens in Care: Implementation and Evaluation of an Attachment and Trauma Informed Intervention for Kinship and Foster Parents – Phase II.
Funding Agency: The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) – Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund (MHP-IF)
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $ 1,257,859
Supporting Kinship & Foster Parents Promotes Resilience and Wellbeing in Teens in Care: An Attachment and Trauma Informed Intervention (Phase I).
Funding Agency: The Public Health Agency of Canada’s (PHAC) Mental Health Promotion Innovation Fund (MHP-IF).
Role: Principal Investigator.
Amount: $516,660.00
Externalizing and internalizing networks across childhood and into adolescence
Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant
Role: Co-Investigator with N. Goulter, N. et al.
Amount: $68,647
Towards a Framework for Disseminating Evidence-Based Preventative Interventions (EBPIs) to Promote Wellness and Mental Health in Children and Youth.
Funding Agency: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants
Role: Co-Investigator with B. Leadbeater, B. et al.
Amount: $25,000.00
2020- 2023
Reducing Risk and Promoting Health Among Vulnerable Teens and their Families in the Context of COVID-19: A Multisite National and International Implementation and Evaluation Study.
Funding Agency: CIHR Operating Grant - COVID-19 Mental Health & Substance Use Service Needs and Delivery.
Role: Principal Investigator.
Amount: $199,625.00
See our infographic for an update on this project.
Validating a developmental model of primary and secondary callous-unemotional traits.
Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Insight Development Grants
Role: Co-Investigator with S. Craig, S. et al.
Amount: $66,340.00
Canada Research Chair in Youth Clinical Psychological Science,
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR; Tier 1).
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $1,400,000.00
Past Funding
2011-2016 (Extended to March 2019)
Effectiveness of a Relational Intervention in Reducing Violence and Victimization in At-risk Adolescent Girls and Boys
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research Team Grant
Role: Principal Investigator (with Jehannine Claire Austin; Kevin Stewart; Mario Liotti Robert Joseph Mcmahon; Candice Lynn Odgers; Elizabeth Marie Saewyc; Jodi Leanne Viljoen; Neil Verne Watson)
Amount: $1,473,013.00
Strengthening Parent-Teen Relationships: Pathways to Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing of Aboriginal Youth and Caregivers (Letter of Intent)
Funding Agency: CIHR Institutes, Public Health Agency of Canada & Health Canada and in partnership
Role: Principal Investigator (with Annette L. McComb)
Amount: $5,000.00
Reducing Reoffending and Building Resilience in Adolescent Offenders: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Toolkit
Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Jodi L. Viljoen)
Amount: $199,216.00
A Societal Approach to Preventing Violence and Achieving Healthy Relationships
Funding Agency: Networks of Centres of Excellence, Knowledge Mobilization
Role: Co-Investigator (PIs: Wendy M. Craig and Debra Pepler)
Amount: $1,600.000.00
Strengthening Parent-Teen Relationships to Reduce Risk and Enhance Healthy Development: A Sex and Gender Framework in Translating Research into Practice
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute for Gender and Health
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $551,943.00
Addressing the Consequences of Violence and Trauma: A Health Intervention for Women in an Indigenous Context
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute for Gender and Health
Role: Co-Investigator (PIs: Annette J Browne; Marilyn Veronica Ford-Gilboe; Colleen Marie Varcoe)
Amount: $165,6175.00
Violence and Victimization: Reducing Risk and Promoting Health and Well Being for Girls and Young Women
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute for Gender and Health
Role: Senior Research Chair
Amount: $925,000.00
The Mental Health Needs of High-Risk Youth in British Columbia: A Qualitative Evaluation of Resilience, Service Utilization and Barriers to Care
Funding Agency: Office of the Representative of Children and Youth
Role: Primary Investigator
Amount: $30,000.00
Reducing Violence and Victimization in Adolescence: A Sex and Gender Based Analysis and Intervention Strategy
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Team Grant: Violence, Gender and Health
Role: Investigator
Amount: $10,000.00 for preparation of full application
Transition to Young Adulthood in Girls at Risk for Aggression and Antisocial
Behaviour: Risk, Resilience and Developmental Trajectories
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Institute for Gender and Health
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $952,314.00
Canada-U.S. Gender and Health Research Group
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Meeting, Planning and Dissemination Grant: Gender, Sex and Health
Role: Co-Investigator
Amount: $15,000.00
Aggressive and Violent Girls: Contributing Factors, Developmental Course and Intervention Strategies
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, New Emerging Research Team
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $1,231,992.00
Connecting the Dots to Prevent Bullying and Victimization from Preschool to High school. Strategic Clusters.
Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Strategic Research Clusters
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Bonnie J. Leadbeater)
Amount: $25,000.00
Understanding Aggression and Violence in Adolescent Girls and Boys: A Cross Cultural Examination of Developmental Pathways, Social, Physical and Mental Health Outcomes
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, International Opportunities Program Development/Planning Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $25,000.00
Transition to Adolescence and Risk for Psychopathology
Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Team Grant, RFA Support Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $8,000.00
Child & Youth Developmental Trajectories Research Unit (CYDTRU): Developmental Trajectories of Children and Youth
Funding Agency: Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Role: Co-Investigator
Amount: $1,000,000.00
Hearing the Voices of Marginalized Ethnocultural Girls: How Community Change Can Address Their Needs for Safe and Equal Inclusion
Funding Agency: Canadian Heritage Multiculturalism Program
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Clyde Hertzman)
Amount: $74,000.00
Giving Voice to Marginalized Girls: Understanding Their Needs as a First Step in Reducing Violence
Funding Agency: National Crime Prevention Strategy, Community Mobilization Program
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $15,000.00
Evaluating Children at High Risk for Social and Academic Failure
Funding Agency: Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Shelley Hymel)
Amount: $86,000.00
Adolescent Mental Health: Evidence Based Interventions Models and Programs
Funding Agency: Ministry for Family and Child Development
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $52,000.00
Aggressive and Violent Girls
Funding Agency: Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $60,000.00
Self-Regulatory Functions of Self-Other Representations: Individual & Developmental Considerations
Funding Agency: Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $70,065.00
High-Risk Adolescents with Substance Use Problems: A Prospective Study of Adjustment
Funding Agency: Steel Fund
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $14,000.00
Aggressive and Violent Girls: Risk Factors and Developmental Paths
Funding Agency: British Columbia Health Research Foundation
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $56,251.91
Conduct Disorder: Etiological Factors and Treatment Programs
Funding Agency: Forensic Psychiatric Commission of British Columbia
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $20,000.00
Gender Differences in Substance Use Among High Risk Adolescents
Funding Agency: Steel Fund
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $17,962.00
Interpersonal Aspects of Self-Representation: Own Versus Other Perspectives on the Self
Funding Agency: Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $69,000.00
Predicting Substance Use in Conduct-Disordered Youth from Attachment Problems and Psychological Distress
Funding Agency: Steel Fund
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $10,000.00
Automatic and Controlled Behavior: A Comparison of Incarcerated and Unincarcerated Adolescents and Adults
Funding Agency: Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada, Small Grants Program
Role: Co-Investigator
Amount: $4,000.00
Self-Representation and Depression in Children
Funding Agency: President’s Research Grant, Simon Fraser University
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $4,000.00
Self-Evaluative Standards and Self-Referent Information Processing
Funding Agency: Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $41,655.18
Children at Risk: The Offspring of Depressed and Chronically Ill Mothers
Funding Agency: Laidlaw Foundation
Role: Co-Investigator
Amount: $27,705.20
Self-Reference Effects
Funding Agency: University of Waterloo, Faculty of Arts Research Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount: $10,000.00