Connect Groups in Quebec
Connect is available in English and French.
In June 2018, the Centre for Clinical Research in Health at Concordia University hosted the first 3-day Connect Workshop was facilitated by Dr. Marlene Moretti, Dr. Patti Ranahan (Concordia University) and Dr. Katherine Pascuzzo (University of Sherbrooke) in Montreal, Quebec with 11 participants.
In the fall of 2018, 10 caregivers completed the Connect program with co-leaders from the Jewish General Hospital and Centres locaux de services communautaires Benny Farm. The co-leaders completed the certification process and ran a second Connect group with 8 caregivers. Caregiver participants reported feeling respected and supported during the group, and more confident in their ability to parent their child.
For more information, please email: ConnectProject@sfu.ca
Certified Facilitators
….to be updated!